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Fitness Center Rules
General Rules
All members must check-in and show their membership card before using the facility.
Facility use is unsupervised. Members should consult a physician prior to starting an exercise program.
Equipment instruction is available through the Fitness Department.
Pets are not allowed in any of the indoor or outdoor fitness facilities.
Tobacco products may only be used outdoors in designated areas. Alcohol is not permitted in any fitness area.
Loud sound producing equipment is not permitted except as needed for programs.
Guest Rules
Resident must be present to check in their guest(s) to the facilities or must fill out in its entirety, an SCSCAI Guest Pass Authorization Form prior to their guest using the facilities.
Forms are available in the Fitness Department Monday-Friday 8am-4pm or call 702-255-2294 for more information.
The resident must remain with guests under 19 years old.
Exercise Equipment Room
Closed-toe, athletic shoes are required. Bathing suits and sandals are not acceptable. Shirts must be worn.
Individuals under 19 are not allowed in the fitness area.
Time is limited to 30 minutes on aerobic equipment when someone is waiting. Please see the Monitor to sign-up to use the treadmill, Nu Step, and Elliptical machines.
Do not stay on strength machines between sets. Allow others to perform sets.
Food is not permitted. Drinks must be in a closed container.
Personal Training is offered for a fee. See fitness monitor for details.
Cell phone use (talking) is not permitted in the exercise area.
Pool/Spa Rules
Use of the pools is at the user’s own risk. Lifeguards are not provided.
On-site showering is required prior to entering the pool or spa. If lotions are used, individuals must shower again. Appropriate attire must be worn (no cutoffs).
Diving, running, and horseplay are not permitted. Climbing over, swinging, or leaning heavily on lane ropes or ramp rails in not permitted. Throwing children in the air is considered horseplay.
Oversize inflatable or flotation devices are not permitted. Pool toys, such as balls, are not permitted.
Food and drink are only allowed at the outdoor pool and must be kept at least 6 feet away from water. However, bottled water is allowed in any spa or pool area. Glass containers, alcohol, and gum are prohibited.
Children (under 19) must be 42 inches tall to use the pool and be supervised by the adult resident at all times. Children’s pool hours are 1-4 p.m. daily in the Indoor Pool only. Children are not allowed in the spas.
Indoor lap lanes are assigned by the Monitor. Outdoor lap lanes are not regulated. If a child under 16 wants a lap lane, he/she must be accompanied by an adult in the lane.
Swimmers and walkers must share lanes as much as possible by circling or splitting the lane in half. Time in lap lanes is restricted to 30 minutes when others are waiting and sharing is not reasonable.
Persons with a cold, cough, sore or inflamed eyes, any skin or communicable disease, or with open sores or bandages must not enter the pool. Spitting or in any way contaminating the pool water or area is prohibited.
Fitness Room
Residents can schedule to use the fitness room by contacting the Fitness Center directly.
Non-marking shoes must be worn.
Tennis/Pickleball Courts
Residents and guests must check-in at the fitness center before proceeding to the court
All players must be present before the key to the court is issued. One resident’s card will be held until the key is returned.
All players must wear proper tennis attire and shoes.
Food, drink, chewing gum, and tobacco products are not allowed in the court enclosure. However, beverages in non-glass containers are acceptable.
No court reservations are taken. First come, first play policy is in effect. Time limits are as follows: Singles (1 hour), Doubles (1.5 hours), and Rotation (2 hours).
Equipment Check-Out
The following items are available for check-out: swimming kickboards, horseshoes, paddle tennis equipment, and bocce balls.
The Monitor will hold the resident’s card until the checked-out equipment is returned.
Gym Etiquette
Gyms bring lots of people into close proximity with each other.
Be sensitive to others by avoiding wearing heavily scented colognes or lotions, and make sure to wear freshly laundered workout clothing for each session.
Be aware that some odors may be undetectable to the person themselves. If you do notice that a fellow resident has an offensive odor, please refrain from confronting the person yourself, but gently bring this to the attention of the Fitness Monitor to handle in a respectful manner.