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All of our members are residents of the Community. All members are volunteers who, as a group, have made Sun City Summerlin the safest community in the valley and in the state. The Patrol is several things:
  • First, it is the “Eyes and Ears” of the Community. Its members observe and report unusual events or happenings in the Community.

  • Second, it is a deterrent to crime by patrolling all streets, parking lots and buildings in the community. Potential criminals do not want to run the risk of being seen by patrol members who are patrolling 24 hours a day.

  • Third, the patrol is a presence at all community events and activities, assisting with crowd and parking control.

  • Fourth, it provides services to our Association by delivering mail to all Community Association Buildings daily. The Patrol also checks Association Buildings and Properties several times each day and night to ensure that they are locked and secure.

  • Fifth, the Patrol responds to citizens in need. They will investigate if friends or family cannot reach a loved one. Patrol will contact Metro if necessary to perform a “Well Being” check.

  • Sixth, Drivers look for “Lost” residents and pets. They also report debris in the roads, broken water pipes, malfunctioning streetlights and any other occurrence that is out of the ordinary.

  • Seventh, we also do house checks when residents are out of town. Refer to our house check policies.

  • Eighth, you can call someone 24 hours a day if you have a true need to report happenings in your community.

The Patrol has approximately 220 members who act as drivers, dispatchers, and information center liaisons. The members also serve as administrative and support staff. Presently, there are 36 couples that work together on shifts. There are over 40 positions in the Patrol that men and women volunteers fill on a regular basis. Our volunteers work 24/7, 365 days a year, to make our community a safer place for all to live.
Help Us Keep OUR Community Safe!